Treating Your Hearing Impairment

Treating Your Hearing Impairment

Hearing loss is more common than we believe. Due to its gradual nature, people may overlook their potential hearing loss for several years before they actually decide to seek help. It is important to treat hearing loss to prevent further damage and to help you gain the most out of your life.

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Keeping Your Ears Clean

Keeping Your Ears Clean

We all find it difficult to hear sometimes because of too much earwax. However, the steps we take in order to clean our ears often makes our hearing worse. Using cotton swabs or q-tips to clean out your ears is possibly the worst solution, not to mention quite a dangerous one. You might find it hard to believe, but your ears actually have the ability to keep themselves clean!

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When Your Hearing Aids Need Professional Cleaning

When Your Hearing Aids Need Professional Cleaning

Hearing aids make our lives so much smoother by providing us a more organic hearing experience. However, daily wear and tear, sweat and dirt take its toll on these delicate devices, which is why they need to be cleaning properly and regularly. Daily cleaning can easily be done at home, but for deep cleaning it is best to rely on the professionals.

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Loss of Hearing Impacts Your Brain

Loss of Hearing Impacts Your Brain

Hearing loss is the third most common health condition in the United States, with 1 in 3 people affected by it between the ages of 65-74. By the time you are 75 and older, you have a 50% likelihood of having some form of hearing loss! With hearing loss increasing in such alarming numbers, it is important to learn more about how it affects us.

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Hobbies that can Damage Your Hearing

Hobbies that can Damage Your Hearing

We all need a break from the humdrum of daily life to relax and do something we enjoy. We like to attend music concerts, watch our favorite team play sports, or simply kick back and listen to our favorite music on our personal audio device. Unfortunately, all of these recreational activities can cause damage to your hearing.

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Selecting a Well-Qualified Hearing Care Specialist

Selecting a Well-Qualified Hearing Care Specialist

We have all heard about how important it is to get our hearing loss treated in a timely manner. There are too many physical and mental repercussions of leaving hearing loss untreated over time. These include cardiovascular disease, depression, dementia, and social isolation. Even though we may want to seek treatment for our hearing loss, how do we know which hearing care professional is right for us?

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The Dangers of Using Earbuds in Personal Audio Devices

The current generation is almost obsessed with “zoning out” by plugging their ears with their earbuds to listen to music on their personal audio devices. This can be a danger to their hearing health. Be it the gym, a walk around campus, or even in the bathtub, using earbuds has become a bad habit of many in the younger generation.

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Obesity and Hearing Loss

Obesity and Hearing Loss

We often think of weight as a problem that affects us in realms such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Increased weight brings with a host of physiological problems. Did you know that obesity also leads to increased chances of developing hearing loss?

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Protect Your Ears to Protect Your Hearing

Protect Your Ears to Protect Your Hearing

When it comes to preserving your hearing, prevention is always best, since there is no cure for hearing loss! Hearing aids may help you hear again, but they will not restore your hearing back to normal. This is why it is important to take auditory protection seriously so that you can avoid hearing loss later in life.

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Improving Cognitive Functioning with Hearing Aids

Improving Cognitive Functioning with Hearing Aids

Your brain pretty much controls all the activity going on in your body, whether you are awake or asleep. Hearing loss can significantly hamper cognitive abilities due to the additional burden placed on it to decipher the limited sound signals coming through hearing-impaired ears. This is why it is important to wear hearing aids to help keep your brain functioning to the best of its ability.

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Hearing Loss Has a Preventive Solution

Hearing Loss Has a Preventive Solution

Hearing loss is often attributed to the elderly population when in reality, a significant number of young adults also experience hearing loss. In America, one in every ten individuals spend time listening to personal audio devices at unsafe volumes. This can cause irreparable damage to their hearing.

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Traveling in Airplanes with Tinnitus

Traveling in Airplanes with Tinnitus

You may have heard that constant ringing sound within your ears even though there is no such auditory stimulus present in your environment. This might mean that you have tinnitus, which can be triggered due to several factors and environmental situations. One of these factors may be traveling via airplanes.

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The Fallacies Associated with Hearing Loss

The Fallacies Associated with Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a prevalent problem in America, ranking third on the list of the most widespread medical problem. Despite their prevalence, there are several misconceptions that are floating around regarding the nature of hearing loss. It is important to increase awareness about these fallacies to help clear the air about hearing loss.

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Hearing Aids for a Happier Life

Hearing Aids for a Happier Life

Happiness brings to mind so many memorable moments spent with the people we love. We think about the days we spent on vacations, family dinners, and special dates with our partner. Rarely do we think about the fact that none of these memorable moments would be quite as memorable if we did not have our hearing aids.

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Accepting Hearing Loss

Accepting Hearing Loss

You have been unable to hear for a while. You get the nagging sensation that you may have a hearing difficulty but seem to be unable to come to terms with this fact. Hearing loss can be a difficult reality to accept, but once you accept it, you will be able to take ownership of your situation and live life to the best of your ability.

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Listening to Nature With Hearing Aids

Listening to Nature With Hearing Aids

Nature lovers and even the average person love to hear the chirping songs of the birds. The gentle sound of the rippling stream the rustling leaves as the wind brushes past them, and the pitter patter of raindrops. Each of these sounds is soothing to the ears until the moment you can no longer hear them.

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Safety in the Face of Hearing Loss

Safety in the Face of Hearing Loss

People with hearing loss are often unaware of the dangers in their surrounding environment, simply because they are unable to hear it. Be it the sound of a car stopping in your driveway in the dead of the night, or the sound of breaking glass as a burglar breaks your window pane, untreated hearing loss puts you and your loved ones at risk of terrible danger.

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Hearing Loss is an Invisible Problem

Hearing Loss is an Invisible Problem

It may seem surprising to you, but 20% of the people in America do not seek any kind of help or treatment for their hearing loss. Even though hearing loss ranks as the third most prevalent health condition in America, people simply do not take it as seriously as they should.

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Causes behind Popping Ears

Causes behind Popping Ears

Of all the things to pop, the most annoying is the popping sensation within the ears! We all enjoy those long vacations but plane rides are a different issue altogether. They often involve uncomfortably stuffed up ears that tend to pop and cause pain and discomfort. You may have wondered why this uncomfortable sensation shows up; if so, here are some answers.

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Learning to Adapt to Your New Hearing Aids Using Auditory Exercises

Learning to Adapt to Your New Hearing Aids Using Auditory Exercises

Getting new hearing aids can be an exciting yet challenging new phase of your life. It can be slightly unnerving to be able to suddenly hear way more than you could before you got your hearing aids. Even your own voice might sound strange and unusual to you, and you may find it overwhelming to adjust to the huge amount of sounds you are suddenly able to hear all around you. These rehabilitation exercises are designed to help you use the auditory input all around you to help you adapt to your new hearing aids.

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Professions That Increase the Risk of Hearing Loss

Professions That Increase the Risk of Hearing Loss

A recent study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that around 52 million people in the United States work in vocational settings that can result in hearing loss. Since hearing loss is irreversible, it is important to become aware of these professions and take necessary measures to protect your hearing in case you work in any of these work environments.

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Symptoms Indicative of Loss of Hearing

Symptoms Indicative of Loss of Hearing

It may come as a surprise, but out of 3 people with a hearing problem, 2 of them never get their hearing tested and therefore never end up seeking treatment. You may feel that you or your loved ones are not at risk of getting hearing loss, but in reality, we are all exposed to threats to hearing on a daily basis. It is important to become aware of early signs of hearing damage so that you know when to intervene and make sure your loved ones get the help they need to treat their hearing loss.

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Alcohol Consumption and Smoking Has Adverse Effects on Hearing Health

Alcohol Consumption and Smoking Has Adverse Effects on Hearing Health

The American Medical Association recently stated that those who smoke have a higher likelihood of having hearing loss than those who do not. Even passive smokers may be affected by hearing loss. The numbers are staggering, with 70% of smokers that go on to develop hearing loss, compared to non-smokers! The heavier you smoke, the higher your chances of getting hearing loss.

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Taking Care of your Hearing Aids

Taking Care of your Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are a wonderful investment when it comes to an effective treatment for hearing loss. Getting your hearing aids is only the easiest part though. It is important to take good care of them so that you can save yourself unnecessary repair costs for your hearing aids in the future.

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Ignored Signs of Hearing Loss

Ignored Signs of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss rarely occurs overnight; it is a gradual process that can often occur over the span of years. This is why early warning signs are often neglected and dismissed as temporary problems, primarily because hearing loss is thought to be a problem of the elderly. Even though this is true, since 1 in 3 people aged above 65 do indeed have some form of hearing loss, problems with hearing can affect anyone at any point in time.

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The Ideal Age for Hearing Tests

The Ideal Age for Hearing Tests

Being able to hear is one of the most fundamental abilities we rely on to function in this world. As children, we often go through screenings to check for hearing loss starting from birth right through the early school years. As we grow older, we begin to take our hearing for granted, which could be a grave error on our part.

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Modernizing Your Hearing Devices

Modernizing Your Hearing Devices

Hearing aids are wonderful devices that help us get the most out of our daily interactions in the real world. Our hearing experience becomes far more enhanced thanks to our hearing aids, but over time, our needs and requirements change, which is why it may be time to update the hearing aids that you currently possess.

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Signs of Hearing Loss

Signs of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss often takes years to manifest. At first you may feel like something is amiss during conversations; a missing stray word here and there. Over time the gaps in conversations may grow larger as you are no longer able to hear much of what is being said. At first you may dismiss the nagging feeling that something is wrong.

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Why People Are Aversive Towards Treating Hearing Damage

Why People Are Aversive Towards Treating Hearing Damage

Hearing loss is not usually a big deal for those who have mild forms of hearing damage. These people often feel like they can go about their normal lives by making do with whatever hearing they have left. They often use compensatory techniques such as turning their good ear to listen to people, nodding and smiling even when they didn’t hear what was said, and changing topics when they feel lost in conversations. These techniques are not only unhelpful; they can actually be detrimental towards your overall health.

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Is Hearing Loss Truly Forever?

Is Hearing Loss Truly Forever?

The short and simple answer to the above question is usually “yes.” Unlike minor cuts and bruises, our body has still not developed the capacity to regenerate hearing. Modern researchers are working on novel hearing treatments that aim to restore natural hearing in the future, but such treatment methods are still in their infancy stage.

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A Simple Cold May Lead to Hearing Loss

A Simple Cold May Lead to Hearing Loss

A recent report published by the American Lung Association mentions that in America, the average person suffers from as many as four common colds every year. We may not bat an eyelid when it comes to thinking about catching a cold, but in reality, even the common cold may cost us our hearing.

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Interpreting Your Hearing Test Results

Interpreting Your Hearing Test Results

When you go in for a hearing test, your results are recorded in an audiogram to help you understand the results and measure the extent of your hearing loss. Basically, your audiogram, or hearing test results are recorded as a graph that indicates various frequencies on which the average person can hear, and where you lie on that scale. Your audiogram will be able to indicate what specific pitches or frequencies you have difficulty with and what range of sound levels you can hear properly.

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Inclusive Technology in the Workplace

Inclusive Technology in the Workplace

We live in a very busy, fast-paced world where productivity matters most since time is money. If we can design our workplace more efficiently, we can cater to those who have unique hearing needs, such as those with hearing loss. This not only helps our hearing-impaired employees work more efficiently, it also makes for a happier and more productive work environment.

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Queries Regarding Hearing Loss

Queries Regarding Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a common problem in the United States. In fact, it is actually the third most prevalent health condition after cardiovascular disease and arthritis. With hearing loss being such a common ailment, it is surprising that there are still so many myths and stigma surrounding it. It is important to learn about the facts regarding hearing loss so that we can help ourselves and our loved ones.

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When to Visit a Hearing Care Professional

When to Visit a Hearing Care Professional

People often put off going to an audiologist because of the fear of being diagnosed with hearing loss. In reality, there are several auditory problems that are temporary and can easily be treated using hearing aids. Hearing loss is a gradual process, so early detection can actually help prevent any permanent damage and preserve your hearing.

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Indicators of Hearing Damage

Indicators of Hearing Damage

We often take our hearing for granted, but our sense of hearing is actually the quickest sense of all! Our brain takes only around 0.05 seconds to process any type of sound, whereas it takes up to 0.25 seconds to process any visual image. This makes our hearing the swiftest sense we possess, which also makes it prone to damage.

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Feedback Sounds from your Hearing Devices

Feedback Sounds from your Hearing Devices

Hearing aids are a great way to combat hearing loss; until they start whistling! That annoying buzzing sound that sometimes emits from hearing aids is a result of feedback. This feedback happens due to improperly fitted hearing aids which allow air to leak in, or because of excessive amounts of power.

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Hearing Loss is Costly

Hearing Loss is Costly

Hearing loss can be a costly affair. Not only does it cost you your physical and mental health, it also costs you a significant amount of your annual work income as well as your personal and professional relationships. Hearing loss can even result in significant monetary costs in terms of health care, medical ailments, and injuries sustained due to hearing loss.

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Threats to Hearing Aids

Threats to Hearing Aids

Hearing loss becomes a thing of the past once you get hearing aids. With proper care and precaution, your hearing aids can help improve all aspects of your life for the rest of your days. Take good care of your hearing aids so that they can take good care of your hearing needs.

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Your Hearing Actually Occurs in Your Brain

Your Hearing Actually Occurs in Your Brain

Hearing loss is something that we associate with only the ears, when in reality it significantly affects the brain as well. While our ears serve as input devices, much like the keyboard does to a laptop, the actual process of deciphering and interpreting sound occurs in the auditory center of the brain.

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Hearing Health is Important

Hearing Health is Important

When we think about aging, we seldom spend a moment’s thought towards hearing loss. Even though it is well-known that untreated hearing loss gives rise to several other health conditions such as heart disease and dementia, people still take it lightly. It may be time to change this mindset and take your auditory health more seriously.

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Losing Your Hearing Only on One Side

Losing Your Hearing Only on One Side

Loss of hearing is a condition that can occur with varying degrees of severity and can also affect only a single ear. This may sound strange, but it is not generally an unusual occurrence. People with hearing damage in only one ear can have either regular hearing in the other or can have varying degrees of hearing loss in their other ear as well.

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Enjoying Your Restaurant Visit despite Hearing Loss

Enjoying Your Restaurant Visit despite Hearing Loss

Hearing loss often inhibits people from wanting to leave the safety of their homes to venture into a restaurant. The challenges of eating at a restaurant are many for those with hearing loss. Restaurants are usually busy environments, with multiple conversations taking place all at once. The constant clinking of silverware, the blaring music, and the chatter of other customers can all add to the difficulty in hearing. Despite all of these challenges, you can still enjoy your next night out at your favorite eating joint with the following suggestions.

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Avoiding Tinnitus in Young Adults

Avoiding Tinnitus in Young Adults

Tinnitus is the sensation of hearing ringing or buzzing sounds in the absence of any such external stimuli. It affects 1 in 10 adults in America, and can affect anyone at any point in their lifetime. Tinnitus can affect a single ear or both ears with varying degrees of severity.

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Prevent Hearing Damage

Prevent Hearing Damage

We often think of hearing loss as an inevitable part of aging, but is this necessarily true? Our hearing is affected in the future by how we treat it today. This is why our hearing is one of the things we can actually protect if we are careful, so that we do not have to deal with the woes of hearing loss as we age.

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Hearing Within the Normal Range

Hearing Within the Normal Range

We know the definition of hearing loss, but we are often unaware of what constitutes normal hearing. When we have our hearing examined, we are tested on various different levels of sound. It is important to know what these measurements mean for our hearing health.

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The Actual Cause of Hearing Loss

The Actual Cause of Hearing Loss

Many of us are aware of what hearing loss is and how it affects people on a daily basis. What few of us knew, until now, was what the exact physiological prerequisites are that result in hearing loss. Scientists from Harvard Medical School have recently reported in a study, that our sense of equilibrium and hearing is affected by a protein known as TMC1.

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Loss of Hearing Triggered by Stress

Loss of Hearing Triggered by Stress

People are often unaware that hearing loss can be triggered by chronic stress. Even though stress is often an inevitable part of our lives, we can learn effective ways to handle stress so that it does not contribute to health problems and conditions such as hearing loss. The manner in which stress negatively impacts hearing is by increasing the flow of adrenaline which subsequently decreases the flow of oxygen-enriched blood supply to the ears.

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Using Headphones Safely to Prevent Hearing Loss

Using Headphones Safely to Prevent Hearing Loss

Headphones and earphones were sold at a massive rate this past year. The total number of approximate headphones and earphones sold in the worldwide market amounted to around 334 million! There is someone in the world buying a headphone right now as you read this article. Due to the prevalent use of headphones and earphones, it is important to practice safe usage procedures to avoid hearing loss.

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Never Delay your Hearing Test

Never Delay your Hearing Test

None of us like hearing news that is negative in nature, especially when it comes to being diagnosed with hearing loss. We often prefer to ignore our hearing problems, pretending as though they don’t exist. No matter how hard we try to deny it, our hearing problem will catch up with us one day or another. It is best to be prepared when it does.

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Hearing Damage in the Workplace

Hearing Damage in the Workplace

When we think of injuries sustained in the workplace, rarely do we think of hearing loss. However, the Center for Disease Control reported that in America, around 22 million employees experience unsafe levels of sound in their work environments. This makes hearing loss the number one injury sustained in the workplace!

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Safety with Hearing Devices

Safety with Hearing Devices

Hearing aids do more than simply amplify sounds to restore hearing in those with hearing loss. They also play a vital role in keeping you safe. A recent study conducted worldwide by EuroTrak found that those wearing hearing aids reported a significantly enhanced standard of living. Over 50% of the participants with hearing aids felt an increased level of safety as well as independence as a result of wearing hearing aids.

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Communicating with a Hearing Impaired Loved One

Communicating with a Hearing Impaired Loved One

It can be difficult to empathize with a loved one who has hearing loss, especially when your own hearing has no problems. This is why some audiologists can help you step into the shoes of the hearing impaired individual by playing a recording that imitates the hearing experience of the person with hearing loss. This can help you understand what your hearing impaired loved one is going through.

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Hearing Loss in War Veterans

Hearing Loss in War Veterans

Soldiers face adverse situations during combat, many of them being physical injuries sustained during war. When we think of physical injuries, seldom do we think about hearing loss. Soldiers returning from war have reported that hearing loss is the most common ailment that they sustain.

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Benefits of Hearing Aids Extend Beyond the Ears

Benefits of Hearing Aids Extend Beyond the Ears

Suffering from a hearing impairment can be an emotionally and physically challenging situation. It can have adverse effects on your mental and physical health, vocational productivity, and interpersonal relationships. Treating your hearing loss with hearing aids not only restores your hearing; it also helps you regain an active lifestyle and improve your quality of life.

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Loud Leisure Activities can Damage Hearing

Loud Leisure Activities can Damage Hearing

People enjoy loud, noisy activities such as attending concerts or going to football games. The problem with these activities is that they can damage hearing due to the immensely loud sounds that people get exposed to at these events. Any sounds exceeding 85 dB can cause permanent loss of hearing if the exposure time is approximately eight hours or more.

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Listening without Hearing

Listening without Hearing

Listening fatigue occurs when too much strain is placed on the brain to decipher the sounds of what is being said throughout the day. People with hearing loss can become exhausted due to the constant effort required to strain themselves during conversations due to their limited hearing.

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Information Regarding Hearing Instruments

Information Regarding Hearing Instruments

Hearing aids can be of significant help to those suffering from hearing impairment due to the improvements in various aspects of their daily lives. The social lives of those with poor hearing can become impaired, and hearing aids can help rectify this impairment and help the hearing impaired individual lead an active social life.

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Testing for Hearing Loss

Testing for Hearing Loss

Hearing screenings are a good way to assess hearing loss to determine whether you need to visit an audiologist and can be performed for any age group. Screenings comprise of a pass/fail test, which means that if you fail the screening it indicates that you have some form of hearing loss.

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Hearing Devices for an Active Life

Hearing Devices for an Active Life

Hearing loss is a common health ailment. The symptoms of hearing loss include an increased difficulty in hearing conversations, decreased ability to hear voices over the telephone or television, turning up the volume of electronic devices, and feeling as though people around you are mumbling. This constant demand for intense focus can be exhausting and leave you with auditory fatigue.

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Using Hearing Devices At Mealtimes

Using Hearing Devices At Mealtimes

Each year is filled with joyous occasions, most of them involving celebratory meals. Be it thanksgiving or Christmas, each holiday is a time for family, food, and festivity. However, those facing hearing loss can have a difficult time during the holiday meals due to the increase in noise. This holiday, make sure you don’t miss out on any of the fun!

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External Hearing Devices

External Hearing Devices

The 21st century has brought about a large number of technological advancements, primarily to the hearing aid industry. Despite these improvements, 71.5% of the hearing impaired people in America still refrain from using hearing devices. For those who are currently functioning without the use of hearing aids, it is important to explore your options.

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